If you have any issues or concerns about this site, or if you wish to peer with this server, please contact me via the email address within the below public key.
OpenPGP is a method of encrypting and/or signing data (for example an email) in a secure “end to end” way. This means, the message is encrypted on your computer, using the recipient’s public key, in a way that the e-mail server has no knowledge of the content of the message. The recipient of the message then decrypts the message on their own computer using their private key.
This server is a member of the sks-keyserver pool of servers. It hosts OpenPGP keys in a fashion that allows them to be quickly and easily retrieved and used by different client software.
You may connect to this server by adding one of the following entries to your OpenPGP client software.
Provided as a public service by ###ENTERNAMEHERE###.